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The Nutcracker:

Dancing through the City


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to view “The Nutcracker: Dancing through the City”?

The cost to watch is $25/household, plus a $1 processing fee. This reservation price helps ensure we can continue to provide young, qualified student dancers an opportunity to gain performing experience under professional direction with the highest possible standards of artistic achievement.


When will I be able to watch the performance?

We are offering several viewing opportunities starting December 21, 2020 at 7PM EST through January 3, 2021. Following your registration, we will email you a link to view the performance.  You will be able to watch it at anytime once it's open.


What happens after I purchase ticket?

After you purchase your ticket, click the return to merchant button in PayPal to view next steps.  Once the movie is available you will receive an email with a link to the performance.  You will need to enter the email address you used to register and then sit back, relax, pop the popcorn, and enjoy the show!


How will I be able to watch the performance?

You may watch it on any device that allows you to stream, including a smart TV or another device including your computer or any smart phone. We will email you the link to watch the performance following your registration and payment.


How soon will I be able to watch the performance?

Purchase your ticket before 12/21/2020 and you are guaranteed access to the premier of the movie. After 12/21, it might take up to 24 hours for access to the show to be granted.


Can I watch the show with friends and family?

Of course, but each household must register separately. Anyone in your household may watch the performance with you as part of your registration.


How can I support The Fairfax Ballet Company?

If you would like to show your support for a particular member of our cast, send a virtual rose  to a dancer for the performance. Or, join our Guild



If you have any other questions, please contact us at:

or 703-665-9427.




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